- For the Diploma in Nursing Administration, the candidate will be required to complete 75 % attendance in theory counseling and 90% attendance in practical contact sessions to become eligible for appearing in Term-end Examination.
1]. Assignment is a means of continuing assessment of theory and practical.
2]. Assignments will help the student to recapitulate the theory and go back to the text again in case he/she are unable to answer a particular question.
3]. Thus assignments also help to reinforce learning in distance learning system of education.
4]. These assignments consist of a set of questions and activities that you will answer at your own place by referring your blocks.
5]. The assignments will cover all types of questions (long answer type, short answer type, objective type, multiple choice questions and case studies). The assignments will carry 30% marks weightage.
6]. Each assignment is of 100 marks wherein the student will be required to obtain 50% marks as pass percentage in each assignment separately. In the final result assignments will carry 30% weightage. - As stated earlier, term-end examination is the major component of the evaluation system and it carries 70% weightage in the Final result.
1]. The University conducts term-end examination twice a year i.e., in June and December.
2]. The student can take the examination only after completion of the course, failing which he/she can take the same in December or June of subsequent years within the total span of the programme.
3]. In case the student fail to get a pass score in the Tern-end Examination, he/she
will be eligible to reappear at the next Term-end Examination for that course as and when if is held, within the total span of the programme of the Diploma in Nursing Administration programme.